Attracting Your Ideal Client through Personal Style Branding


Last week I wrote to you about why it's more important then ever to get dressed, since you are marketing yourself on social media.   

 In just 3 seconds someone decides whether they’re going to stick around to engage with you OR take off and never come back. 

If you missed this you can check it out here.

attract clients through style

Now that we’ve established that you want to dress to command attention, How exactly do you accomplish that?

I'm so happy you asked…

 By creating a connection with your audience that immediately develops know, like, and trust through you own personal brand style.  I know what you maybe thinking… ugghhh… I don't know what my style is nor do I have the time to figure it out! 

Is Getting Dressed More Important Now That You Are Working From Home?


I'm Melanie! A personal stylist and confidence coach for high achieving women. 

Here on the blog, I write about style tips, personal branding, outfit creation, and how to use your wardrobe to get noticed. 
Let me know if there's any way I can help you!


1.  Defining your personal brand style in a way that makes you instantly recognizable, memorable and seen as a leader, someone to listen to, someone with natural authority.  

2. Developing your style is EASY… yup,  as easy as 3 words! 

And by doing this, you’re going to know exactly what to wear and what not to wear regardless of the occasion…

 I work with my clients to develop a 3-word personal style statement to guide them in selecting clothes and accessories and making choices about their appearance. 

You’re going to want to choose 3 words that support your brand and feel like you.

attract clients through style

My style is friendly, polished, and fashion forward.  Which means that everything I wear has all 3 of these qualities. And you’ll notice that my website and social media has these qualities too.

It really does make shopping and dressing a whole lot easier, guiding your everyday choices so you can show up in a way that supports your message and reaffirms your status as a leader, a messenger, and perhaps even an icon.

Ideally you want at least one word that creates distinction. You don’t want all 3 words to have the same tone and texture or it doesn’t make for a distinct style.

Once you get the hang of your 3-word style statement, you’ll know what to wear for your photo shoot or on your next video.

One caveat here, make sure your style statement complements your business and your core personal attributes.

For example, if you’re an Attorney  for Fortune 500 companies, a style statement that’s outrageous, flirty, grunge may undermine your credibility or at least raise a few eyebrows.

So now let’s talk about you. Here’s a list of fashion and style words. Choose 3 that really express you!

Your personal style must make you instantly recognizable, memorable and seen as a leader, someone to listen to, someone with natural authority.

If you'd like personalized, one on one help stepping out of style OVERWHELM and into your power AND ready  get to your next level... I’m inviting you to book a call with me to discuss whether my signature program, Brand Yourself with Style, is a fit for you.

Is Getting Dressed More Important Now That You Are Working From Home?

Book your call now!

You’ll have 30 minutes of my undivided attention… This will be the BEST time you have EVER spent on yourself and your business.

If you feel like this is the right opportunity for you, click here, and book a call to go over your goals.

I'll walk you through the quickest and easiest way to achieve them through  Brand Yourself with Style.

ISGetting Dressed More Important Now That You Are Working From Home

Curious about how a personal stylist can help you? Let's Chat about it. 

On our call we will discuss what's holding you back from being excited about getting dressed and showing up as the leader you were born to be.  We'll discuss your personal challenges and talk about easy solutions.